Whose Driving Your Car?

Whose driving?”  That’s what my mom always wanted to know before I went out with my friends after school.  I didn’t understand it then, but the answer was important.  What does this have to do with losing weight and controlling lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease… well, a lot really.

Photo by David Emrich on Unsplash

In my mind, a few human beings were getting into a car and traveling from point A to point B.  It happens a million times a day so why was it such a big deal when I was involved? 

What lies beneath: The secret to losing weight without exercise

If you’d just lose 20 pounds you probably wouldn’t even need these medications.”  Those words echo in my mind as I think back to a time when I bought into the idea that everyone who was overweight was lazy and gluttonous.  Just eat a little less, exercise a little more. “Voila!”  The weight would just fall off.  Well, if you’ve ever been overweight, you know how absolutely ignorant that kind of thinking really is.

I’ve been in practice for over 12 years and I’ve spent a majority of that time in the operating room as a neurophysiologist.  Time and time again I saw patients turned away from a procedure they desperately needed because of their weight. 

Need to lose weight for surgery?

You'll Want to Read This First

Hello! I am excited about finally launching this blog after more than a decade of talking about how nutrition and lifestyle modifications can help reduce the risk for people needing surgery or suffering from type 2 diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

Photo by Dardan on Unsplash

So many doctors, patients and friends were asking for this information. I am excited about what the future holds and hopeful for the impact that this information will have on the lives of so many people.